Friday, April 8, 2011

Vegetable Stock, Risotto and Trout Almondine

No pics, sorry. Next time . . . I hope.


Note to self: Never let risotto sit.
Note to self: Always add flavor to a vegetable stock risotto.
Note to self: Maybe try a sweet version . . . sometime. Rice pudding anyone???

I've made risotto before so this wasn't a completely foreign concept. Some people say, "Risotto should always take exactly 21 minutes, if made correctly." Well, no. I don't think that all risottos always take 21 minutes. There are too many variables to contend with! One, how high is your flame, two, how much rice are we talking, and three, the chef. Anywho . . .

It was pretty good. I'm not much for veggie stock, so I should have added in more flavor or at least some parmesan. Oh, and I let it sit, after it was done to finish off my trout almondine and it got kinda gummy. (Note: Food on a burner, in a pan continues to cook. The only time food isn't cooking is when it's cold.) I quickly added some more veggie stock and heated it back up. The starchiness was a little on the high side for me, but I'll try it again after the Fast.

More later . . . . time to pick up the boys!

Ok, I'm back . . .6.5 hours later.

Trout Almondine

Not bad. Apparently, trout is in the salmon family. It's flesh looks a lot like salmon and it tastes like it, too, although it's a milder flavor. Any way . . . long story short. . . I used a pan that was too short and too much oil and lemon. Other than that, not bad.

Veggie Stock

Well, it's finished and in a pitcher for easy use. (;) kidneys!) We'll se how it turned out when I use it in a recipe soon.

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